A Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick

Goodreads page My rating: 4 out of 5 My review: While reading Scanner Darkly I was wondering how much P.K.Dick knew about drugs. It wasn’t until I reached the afterword that I realized book was semi-autobiographic in nature. I could see before my eyes how Bob Arctor the drug addict started mixing with Fred the undercover cop. And it was not a pretty sight. As destructive as Substance-D was, Fred risked his life taking it, to try and track down its local source. …

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All Tomorrow's Parties by William Gibson

Goodreads page My rating: 5 out of 5 My review: Great finish of the trilogy from the grandmaster of what-will-be. Gibson continues painting the world where, unknowingly to most participants, something big is unfolding. I can’t say the ultimate finish surprised me much, but the storyline kept me on the edge wanting more page after page. I have seen the nodal points, I have seen the connections…I just needed to comprehend what I was seeing in front of me. …

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American Gods by Neil Gaiman

Goodreads page My rating: 5 out of 5 My review: How Neil Gaiman does what he does is beyond me. American Gods is as unreal as it’s full of reality we deal with every day. War is coming to America. War that can only be won with sacrifices and belief. Characters in Neverwhere seemed peculiar to me, but American Gods is certainly trying to surpass it. Shadow, an ex-criminal with knack for coin tricks is flying home, to get back to his wife. …

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Burning Chrome by William Gibson

Goodreads page My rating: 4 out of 5 My review: Sci-fi classic short stories. Great narrative and real connection between present and future make this collection really worth reading for every fan of Sci-fi. Too bad I had a bit shabby translation version only, original is probably much better. Favorites were Winter Market, Dogfight and Burning Chrome. All perfectly pessimistic, yet felt so real…

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Digital Fortress by Dan Brown

Goodreads page My rating: 4 out of 5 My review: My favourite from Dan Brown’s work. Perhaps because of my focus on computers and security :) I liked that he got more-less all things right without being too technical.

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Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick

Goodreads page My rating: 3 out of 5 My review: My first P.K. Dick book and a well read indeed, although I admit I was expecting something more logical. Am I the only one who can’t imagine a world where all animals are sacred and most of them are even extinct (most sacred being insects)? Nevertheless story of a bounty-hunter trying to catch escaped androids and “retire” them is quite action-packed and full of interesting ideas. …

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Echo Park by Michael Connelly

Goodreads page My rating: 4 out of 5 My review: Pretty good detective story with enough unexpected twists and suspense for two movies :-) Harry Bosh is pretty hard-core classic detective, with drinking problems and tendency for heroism, but he grew on me anyway. Storyline is mostly concerned with gruesome serial killer, corruption and cutting deals with the devil. *My first Michael Connelly book, but definitely not the last one.

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Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

Goodreads page My rating: 5 out of 5 My review: Wow. The book completely consumed me. The story of 6 year old boy learning, fighting, surviving military training amongst peers and growing older. Of what it means to be human. Book asks the same question I have been for some time. Is the result/action more important than intention? What happens when you can’t tell the right from wrong? Parts I probably enjoyed most were fights/battles Ender has been through. …

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Free: The Future of a Radical Price by Chris Anderson

Goodreads page My rating: 3 out of 5 My review: This is a great book about economics of “Free” (as in free beer mostly). People are currently getting a lot of things for free and people and companies are getting rich by giving stuff away for free. You just have to find the right way. This book is full of interesting examples and approaches that date back to 18th century (and even more back occasionally). …

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Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch by Terry Pratchett

Goodreads page My rating: 5 out of 5 My review: I liked Time Out’s take on this book: “Wickedly funny”. Neil Gaiman’s twisted sense of humour together with sheer craziness of Terry Pratchett created this unique masterpiece. Only these two authors could put Antichrist, angels, demons, God, devil, witches, aliens, Atlantis and above all…Armageddon in one novel and make it seem like a normal thing. In fact these things together with footnotes full of confusing information make for entertaining experience. …

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